Monday 2 March 2009

News of the World

The front page of this morning's 'Tiser looked a bit like I imagine the front of the News of the World to look - or the old Truth which was published here back in the Dark Ages.
Why are we being treated to a sob story from "Fergie" and a dark warning that we will not host the World Cup if we do not have a new stadium?
Fergie married a Royal. I have no doubt at all that the Royals themselves are very nice, hardworking people who live lousy lives in the media goldfish bowl. I do not envy them in the least. Even if they renounced their positions the media would search them out to find out what they were doing as Mr or Mrs X. Fergie knew that when she married into The Firm. Princess Diana knew it too. They get told and advised. They have no room for complaint and should get on with the job. The media on the other hand needs to learn to leave well alone. Their deliberate attempts to undermine relationships and positions are immoral.
As for the World Cup. Even if we had a new stadium there is absolutely no guarantee we would get the event. Do we want it? Some people do but I definitely do not.

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